Colloquia scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays take place at
4:30-5:30 pm in LN 2205 with refreshments served from 4:00-4:25 pm in the
Anderson Memorial Reading Room, while colloquia scheduled for Mondays,
Wednesdays and Fridays normally take place at 4:40-5:40 pm in
LN 2205 with refreshments served from 4:10-4:35 pm in the
Anderson Memorial Reading Room.
Unless stated otherwise, colloquia are scheduled for Thursdays.
Here you find some directions
to Binghamton University and the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
February 17th, 2010 (Special time)
Speaker: Zoran Sunik (Texas A & M)
Title: Symbolic dynamics on trees and finitely constained groups
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm
Location: LN2205
Wendesday, February 17th, 2010 (Job Talk)
Speaker: Chun Yip Yau, Columbia University
Title: Likelihood inference for discriminating between long-range dependence and change-point models
Time: 2:20-3:20 pm (note unusual time)
Location: LN2205
Thursday, February 18th, 2010 (Job Talk)
Speaker: Xingye Qiao, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill
Title: Weighted Distance Weighted Discrimination and Pairwise Variable Selection for Classification
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm
Location: LN2205
Friday, February 19th, 2010 (Job Talk)
Speaker: Xudong Zeng, University of Missouri
Title: Optimal strategy selection in finance and insurance markets
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm
Location: LN2205
March 18, 2010
Speaker: Thomas Tucker (University of Rochester)
Title: Dynamical Mordell-Lang problems
Time: 4:30-5:30 pm
Location: LN2205
Thursday, April 8th, 2010
Speaker: RICHARD M. FOOTE (University of Vermont)
Title: Strongly Closed Subgroups of Finite Groups: The Local--Global Principle in Action
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 pm
Room: LN-2205
Friday, April 30th, 2010 (Special date and time)
Speaker: John C. Dunn (University of Adelaide, Australia)
Title: State-trace analysis: The mathematics of theoretical inference in cognitive psychology.
Time: 1:15-2:15 pm
Room: LN-2205