Colloquia scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays take place at 4:30-5:30 pm in LN 2205 with refreshments served from 4:00-4:25 pm in the Anderson Memorial Reading Room, while colloquia scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays normally take place at 4:40-5:40 pm in LN 2205 with refreshments served from 4:10-4:35 pm in the Anderson Memorial Reading Room.
Unless stated otherwise, colloquia are scheduled for Thursdays.
Here you find some directions to Binghamton University and the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
Friday, March 24 (note unusual day and time):
Speaker: Bruce Sagan (Michigan State and Rutgers)
Title: Rational Generating Functions and Compositions of an Integer
April 27
Department meeting
May 4
Speaker: Henry Cohn (Microsoft Research)
Title: Representation Theory, Combinatorics, and Fast Matrix Multiplication
Time: 1:15 -2:15
Room: LN-2205 (Note special time.)
May 4
Committee meeting
Time: 4:30 - 5:30
May 11
Committee meeting
Time: 4:30 - 5:30
This page is maintained by
David Hanson and Thomas Zaslavsky.
E-mail: zaslav(at)
This file was last modified in May, 2006.
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the Department of Mathematical Sciences.