Colloquia scheduled for Tuesdays and Thursdays take place at 4:30-5:30 pm in LN 2205 with refreshments served from 4:00-4:25 pm in the Anderson Memorial Reading Room, while colloquia scheduled for Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays normally take place at 4:40-5:40 pm in LN 2205 with refreshments served from 4:10-4:35 pm in the Anderson Memorial Reading Room.
Unless stated otherwise, colloquia are scheduled for Thursdays.
Here you find some directions to Binghamton University and the Department of Mathematical Sciences.
September 16, 4:30 pm, (Thursday)
meeting with the Dean of Harpur College, Donald Nieman
November 11, 2010
Speaker: Florian Pop
(University of Pennsylvania)
Title: On the inverse
Galois problem
Time: 4:30 - 5:30 pm
DATE: Wednesday, December 1, 2010
Andrea Young, University of Arizona
Constant Curvature Metrics on Piecewise Flat Manifolds
4:40 - 5:40 pm
Room: LN-2205
Abstract: A piecewise flat manifold is a triangulation together with edge lengths that determine a Euclidean geometry on each simplex. Notions of Einstein metrics, constant scalar curvature metrics, and the Yamabe problem on piecewise flat manifolds will be discussed. The main tool is analysis of Regge's Einstein-Hilbert functional, a piecewise flat analogue of the Einstein-Hilbert (or total scalar curvature) functional on Riemannian manifolds. The behavior of the Einstein-Hilbert- Regge functional on the space of piecewise flat metrics and on discrete conformal classes of metrics will also be described. Additionally, I will discuss recent results concerning the Einstein-Hilbert-Regge functional on the double tetrahedron, which is the triangulation of the three-sphere gotten by gluing together two congruent tetrahedra along their boundaries.
DATE: Friday December 3, 2010
Ben McReynolds, University of Chicago
Title: The
interplay between a manifold and it's geodesic submanifolds
4:40 - 5:40 pm
Room: LN-2205
The interplay between a manifold and it's totally geodesic
submanifolds is a rich subject. I will discuss a few concrete
examples starting with a brief overview of the simplest example of
the geodesic length spectrum. The talk will be restricted to locally
symmetric manifolds and the moduli space of curves. In these
settings, relations between geometry, algebra, number theory, and
group theory are quite direct.
DATE: Wednesday December 8, 2010
Speaker: Andriy
Gogolyev, University of Texas (Austin)
Partially hyperbolic
diffeomorphisms with compact central foliation
4:40 - 5:40 pm
diffeomorphism of a smooth manifold M is called partially hyperbolic
if the tangent bundle of M splits into a direct
sum of an expanding subbundle, a contracting subbundle and a center
subbundle with intermediate growth rate. Partially hyperbolic
dynamics underwent a spectacular progress in recent years. In
general, classification of partially hyperbolic systems is a
hopeless problem. We will discuss partially hyperbolic
diffeomorphisms whose central bundles integrate to foliations with
compact leaves and attempt to reduce classification of such systems
to classification of Anosov diffeomorphisms. Our results provide
progress on a conjecture of Pugh.