DATE: | Monday July 27, 2009 |
TIME: | 4:00 - 5:00 PM |
PLACE: | LN 2205 |
SPEAKER: | Gerard Cornuejols (Carnegie Mellon) |
TITLE: | Lehman Matrices |
Two square 0,1-matrices, A and B, such that AB = E + kI (where E is the n×n matrix of all 1's and k is a positive integer) are called "Lehman matrices". These matrices figure prominently in Lehman's seminal theorem on minimally nonideal matrices. There are two choices of k for which this matrix equation is known to have infinite families of solutions. When n = k2 + k + 1 and A = BT, we get the point-line incidence matrices of finite projective planes, which have been widely studied in the literature. The other case occurs when k = 1 and n is arbitrary, but very little is known in this case. I will discuss this class of Lehman matrices. The work is joint with Bertrand Guenin and Levent Tuncel.